Thursday, January 24, 2008

Chickens in the News! #2

For this week's barely mid-week installment of Chickens in the News! we are going on a quick four-stop tour around the world to see the different lives (and death) that chickens have. It is a sobering life that chickens have throughout the world. One day my chickens will thank me for the life of luxury they lead. One day.

First stop: Jammu, where there is evidently a housing shortage for chickens.

Here we have some recently dead chickens in Kolkata, India.

Naked bathing chickens in Jakarta, and a nearby voyeur.

And finally, amorous roosters in Allahabad, India.


~arwen said...

are you sure that the first picture is from jammu, instead of at a stoplight in harrisonburg?

Unknown said...

i like chris' question.
hi matt.