Monday, July 23, 2007

San Lucas Toliman.

One of the most enjoyable and relaxing parts of the entire trip (for me) was going to the quaint little town of San Lucas Toliman on Lago Atitlan. We stayed at my friend, Caren's house which is mostly just some rooms on the top of the roof of another house with some fabulous views of the surrounding volcanoes and even the lake. It was the four of us, as well as Caren and her partner Fili. We made wonderful meals, went dancing, did way too much shopping for the beauteous textiles that are so prolific around Atitlan, and generally relaxed a little bit. These are some of my favorite pictures...

This is Caren's roof house.

A rose that was just opening as the sun was rising.

Volcan San Pedro.

Volcan Toliman.

Another brilliant flower.

Some kind of dried up seed head.

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